Published | Posted by Tish Ferry
Happy Monday, friends!
Can you believe it’s already mid July?!? I can’t believe summer is halfway over!
It’s been a busy summer so far at the Ferry household. We’ve been working hard and playing hard! We take our summer seriously! Ha!
Today, I thought I’d share a little catch up post about our summer so far!

We started the summer with cheering this guy on in the County Tournament!
His team placed 2nd in the season for our league which made them eligible to play in the County Tournament.

Two of the smaller fans cheering on Carson and his team!

Cutter’s best friend is his cousin, Corban. They are so much alike and have the sweetest friendship!

Conner came out to cheer on his little brother!

They won the County Tournament and went on to play in the District Championship!

They lost the District Championship 15-14 in one of the most exciting baseball games!
So proud of Carson! What a fun season of baseball!

Next up, we had VBS! Carson was on the Praise Team and led the Worship Rallies each day. My sweet friend, Cristi, who is also our Children’s Minister at church is the one dressed in camouflage on stage. How cute is she?! Carson is standing to the left of her and looking so grown up!

Carson and the Praise Team also went into the classes to teach the kids the hand motions and songs. This is Carson in the 1st grade classroom where I helped teach all week! So many sweet kiddos!

Conner (red shirt) was on the Recreation team with some of his friends. You can see it was a hard job! Ha!

Love this goofy kid so much! (He switched name tags with Walker! ????)
What a blessing to have all 3 boys with me at VBS! Not to mention I met so many new friends too! Friends, the best way to meet people and fellowship is to SERVE at church! I encourage you to not just go on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, but get INVOLVED! I promise, you will be BLESSED!

We have already spent several afternoons at the pool.

Carson and Cutter’s favorite thing to do is jump off the diving board and try to catch the ball thrown to them. I snapped this pic of Cutter catching it from Dad!

Always a favorite when Daddy gets off work early enough to meet us for a swim!

We spent a weekend in June at my Mom’s house in east Texas!
Morning coffee on the deck overlooking the lake is one of my very favorite things!

Carson played with my Mom’s duck, Bandit. She got him at Easter and he is so funny the way he follows her around the yard. Bandit provided lots of entertainment!

Fishing is another favorite to do at Granny Pat’s house!
Speaking of looking grown up, Carson got braces in June and went from 12 years old to looking like he’s 15!

So much fun!
Mom and I fished with the boys, but I caught ZERO. Hooked one but it got off the line when I was pulling up so no pic = no proof!

Sunsets on the lake are magical…

When we left Mom’s house that weekend, we hurried home because Mark had gotten tickets to the Harlem Globetrotters! They were playing at ACU, Abilene Christian University, where Mark went to college. We surprised the boys and they LOVED it!

Cutter’s birthday was back in April but he has been saving some of his birthday money trying to decide what he wanted to purchase with it. He finally decided he needed ANOTHER blanket! Cutter is our kid who is always on the lookout for the softest blanket ever. Every Christmas, a blanket is the number 1 gift on his wish list. This boy has more blankets than the whole family combined! While we were at Mom’s, he found this one on Amazon and insisted it was THE ONE to use his birthday money to purchase.

That smile says it all!

Alyssa (in the middle) and two of her friends, Katelyn and Kourtney, came for a visit.

Love when my sweet girl is home!

Our “kids” for the weekend! We took them bowling and had a girls vs. boys game.
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