Published | Posted by Tish Ferry
Hope you guys had a great Memorial weekend! We had THE BEST weekend!
Friday night Mark and Conner went to the movies so Carson, Cutter, and I had a movie night at home. We even went and bought popcorn at the theatre to enjoy!

I can’t believe this sweet boy just finished his first year of middle school!

Cutter is my snuggler!
I looked like a hot mess after my run!

Saturday was lots of playing outside!

And lots of building!

Mark’s parents joined us for dinner and games that evening!
We played Carcassonne (pictured above) and Canasta ( a card game).

After church Sunday morning, we grabbed my nephew, Corban, for a sleepover with Cutter. These two are the sweetest cousins. Truly, they are so much alike and really enjoy each other. It makes my heart so happy they have each other! Cousins make the best friends and I have a feeling these two will be together most of the summer!

Sunday evening Carson worked on programming his robot with some new moves. If you missed it, I shared a while back about this robot that we gave Carson for his birthday in January. It took him several months but he built him all by himself! I mean we didn’t answer a question, look at directions with him, nothing at all. I am SO impressed and SO proud of him! His robot only recognizes Carson’s voice. He can dance, wave, hug, teach you something, tell your stories, tell you jokes, walk around with you, and so much more!

We spent Monday with Mark’s family at the Creek. The grandkids played a lot of baseball. (It really is our life this time of year! Ha!)

We ate a late breakfast, played games, visited, and enjoyed the day together.

Gramma got out the paints and the grandkids had the best time painting rocks.

Gramma was also prepared with old t-shirts to save their clothes! Ha!

The sign of a good weekend!
And once again, Conner was with us all weekend but no pics of the 17 year old. I’m going to have to get sneaky to make sure he makes some photos this summer! :)
We are finishing up school today and we are READY FOR SUMMER!
Have a GREAT Thursday, friends!
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