Published | Posted by Tish Ferry


I don't know about you, but this has been a BUSY week! 

On Monday, I shared 25 RANDOM THINGS ABOUT ME. You can read some fun facts and a few quirks about me HERE. ????

Tuesday, I linked up for TUESDAY TALK where we discussed what TV shows/movies we binge watch. Read that post HERE and leave me a comment with suggestions of your favorite shows!

And let's be real...because this is a safe space...Wednesday and Thursday got away from me! I had all the intentions of posting but then had a sick kiddo and got behind with work so I had to play some catch up! So, to those of you who stopped by those two days, I'm sorry I missed you but I am SO HAPPY to have you back here TODAY! 

As usual, I'm linking up with ERIKANARCI, and ANDREA for FRIDAY FAVORITES! 

Let's get started! 


Have you guys tried this Chile Lime Seasoning from Trader Joe's? Oh my goodness! I have been using this on my shrimp, taco meat, and anything I need to give a little kick to it! Definitely a new FAVORITE! 


And these vitamins taste like CANDY! I have been using these for 4 months now and see such a difference in my hair being more healthy, less tangles, and more shine! I highly recommend giving these a try. 

And speaking of hair...


This Living Proof Dry Volume Blast is FABULOUS! My hair is very fine which often translates to flat. I love the Living Proof Dry Shampoo and when I went to Ulta to stock up on it, I found this and decided to give it a go. It's AH-MAZING! Just spray a little on your roots and you get instant lift! 


On Tuesday evening, Carson performed with the Honor Choir at his school. I snapped this picture before the concert. I CANNOT believe this is his last year of Elementary school! Doesn't he look so BIG? He's getting taller by the minute and his whole goal in life right now is to be taller than me! #itwillhappensoon #momisshort


Do you see him in the middle? Somehow I took about 10 pictures with him on stage and either his eyes were closed in the picture or the lighting was bad. 

They all did a great job! 



This cutie woke up not feeling well on Wednesday so he stayed home and snuggled with me! He'll be 9 yrs old on Monday and I know my snuggling days are short so I soak em up every chance I get! 



My girlfriend, Emily, always orders a Chai Latte when we get coffee. I saw several people posting about this Tazo Chai Latte concentrate and so I picked one up at the grocery store. And let me tell you, friends... I. AM. IN. LOVE. 

You mix it with either 2% milk or half and half. Blend together and pour over ice. 


It has been a nice pick me up a few afternoons this week! 

And my last FAVORITE for today...


These girls! 

Kayla (Alyssa's roommate on the left) and Alyssa being their silly selves!

If you have read here long or really just even read a few blog posts (Ha!), you know how much we miss having our girl at home! Alyssa is a junior in college and lives in Waco, TX. You can read about when she moved there HERE. I left A PIECE OF MY HEART IN WACO

Alyssa and Kayla call me almost every day after school to chat on their drive back to their apartment. We catch up on school and work and coffee and how the boys did in their baseball games the night name it, we chat about it! Sometimes it's only a few minutes to tell me a quick funny story but it's ALWAYS a FAVORITE! 

Love those two SO MUCH! 

Have a GREAT weekend, friends! 

You can keep up with me on Instagram HERE.

Facebook HERE

Or follow me on Pinterest HERE

See you Monday! 


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