Published | Posted by Tish Ferry

Today, I'm sharing some birthday celebrations with you! 

As I mentioned last week, my blogging got behind after having the Flu. #yuck Now, I'm getting back on track and since we celebrated 3 birthdays in our family in the last month, I HAD to share with you! 


This girl celebrated her birthday on December 29th and turned TWENTY YEARS OLD! 


This girl is THE BEST big sister to her brothers! She lives in Waco attending college and she is so good with texting them and Face-timing them to keep up with their sports games, activities, and just to say Hi! 

They are always SO excited when she gets to come home for a few days! 

We went out to dinner to celebrate her birthday. And of course, it was Mexican food for the win!


It was so special to have all six of us together! 


Love this girl so much! 

Alyssa has been my little side kick since the day she was born! She is happy and always makes me smile. She LOVES BIG! She is a loyal friend and has a heart of gold. She loves the Lord and has such a strong walk with God. She has a huge heart for missions and a passion for sharing her faith with others. She has already travelled several places around the world and I know God will continue to guide and direct her as she seeks Him. She inspires me and I am blessed to have her as my daughter and friend! 

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We laugh a lot together! 


And have shared so many special memories! 


May this year be your BEST yet! 



These two share a birthday of January 15th! 5 years apart in age! 

Fun fact: When Carson was born, our insurance couldn't get the computer to accept adding him with his birthday since we already had Conner with the same birthday - even though different years. So, on our insurance, they are listed as twins! I was pregnant FOREVER! Ha! 

These two over the years...

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This year Conner turned 16!

He went on a trip with Student Council to Chinle, AZ and they travelled home on his birthday. So, he spent his 16th bday on a bus! However, he was with his friends and that made it special. And the fact that Conner was on a trip to serve others represents exactly who he is...the hands and feet of Jesus. Like Alyssa, he has a love for the Lord and love for others. Conner's passion is serving others through projects, construction of buildings, roofs, etc. He likes to be hands-on working! 



And he passed his driver's test!

We have another driver in the family! #mommawasready #neededanotherdriver

Love this kid so much! 



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Carson Michael came into this world FULL OF LIFE! He is the funniest kid! Since he was little, he has always done anything and everything to get a laugh out of someone. This kid also has a huge abundance of confidence. I LOVE that about him! He is a leader and a follower of rules. He is a people pleaser and truly wants others to be happy. He loves the Lord and has the sweetest prayers always asking God to heal and protect others. Love his heart. 

We celebrated ALL day with Carson. 


Carson and Cutter are sweet little best friend brothers. 

We started with a trip to the movies to see Ferdinand! #giveusallthepopcorn

We let Carson pick where he wanted to eat for lunch. 

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Chick-fil-A of course! That is always Carson's choice these days!

Next on the agenda was an afternoon of bowling! 


Daddy always seems to win at bowling! (The little Cs and I seem to compete in gutter balls!)

We let the boys play in the arcade for a bit. 


They played Deal or No Deal the most because it gives out the most tickets! 

And then we had to go pick out their prizes. Why does it seem to take them 5 hours to pick out their $2 worth of junk?? #myleastfavoritepart


Conner was scheduled to arrive home around 5:00pm and our plan was to let him choose where to eat dinner. However, their bus broke down in Lubbock and so they were delayed two hours. By the time they arrived, Conner was just ready to be home and rest. We grabbed a quick bite to eat on the way home and then celebrated with cake! 


Carson picked out his own cake this year. He wanted white cake with red and blue (Cooper colors - our high school. He so wants to be like his big brother!) and he wanted it to look "more grown up" so he opted not to have a sports theme this year. 


Conner requested a Cookie Cake! 

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